Everybody loves a good massage. Massage has powerful therapeutic effects that greatly benefit a person’s well being. Although a massage can be done without oil, that is terribly inconvenient. Massage oils are necessary to reduce the friction between the hands and the skin. Massage oils can be taken into the next level with the use of fragrance oils. They smell good and they enhance the benefits of a massage.
Massage oil with fragrance is a mixture of carrier oil and fragrance oil. There are many carrier oils and fragrance oils to choose from and each has its own properties and health benefits. It’s pretty easy to make a homemade massage oil with fragrance oil. Follow these simple steps and discover its soothing benefits.
1. Decide on which carrier oil to use. The carrier oil is the base of the massage oil. It dilutes the fragrance oil. Carrier oils, in general, prevent any kind of skin irritation and they promote absorption of the fragrance oil. For massage oils, it is recommended to choose a carrier oil that is good for the skin, mixes easily with fragrance oils and feels smooth and silky when massaged on the skin. Jojoba oil and Sunflower oil are highly suggested carrier oils. Jojoba oil absorbs easily into the skin, making it a great carrier oil. It can also moisturize all skin types. Sunflower oil is very gentle and flows well on the skin. It is moderately thick which is good for generating traction with the hands during a massage.
2. Choose the fragrance for the massage oil. Fragrance can enhance the benefits of the massage. The scent can have different effects on the body. It can be relaxing, soothing, invigorating or energizing. Lick Me All Over is perfect for a soothing and relaxing massage as it evokes enjoyable thoughts. For a sweet awakening effect, the Eat It Raw is highly recommended. African Musk is best for its luxurious fragrance that can uplift mood and spirit.
3. After choosing the carrier oil and fragrance oil to use, it is a good idea to conduct a patch test, especially if you are using oils that you haven’t used before. This is important to check for allergic reactions. To do a patch test, just dilute one drop of essential oil with 1 tablespoon of carrier oil. Add the mixture to a bandage and place the bandage on the inner arm. After 48 hours, remove the bandage. If there is skin irritation, do not use the oil. If none, then proceed.
4. Fill ¾ of a 4 oz glass bottle with the carrier oil. Don’t fill the bottle up to the brim to prevent the oil from spilling once the dropper or pump is inserted inside.
5. Add 10 to 15 drops of fragrance oil. Give time for the fragrance oil drops to penetrate the carrier oil. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
6. Seal the bottle and shake well for a minute or two to make sure the oils are evenly distributed.
7. Keep the bottle in a cool, dry place until ready to use.
Create your own massage oils using different kinds of fragrances. You can also make more bottles for your friends and loved ones. Enjoy a soothing and relaxing massage using fragrance oils.
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