Things you will need
10 drops of frankincense essential oil
Dry log for the fireplace
Do you want to enhance the aroma coming from your fireplace?
A fireplace also called a hearth is a structure that is usually made of bricks to contain a fire. The main purpose of the fireplace is to provide heat to a room or to a house. Historically, fireplaces were also used for cooking and heating water. There are different types of fireplaces. They can be fueled by wood, charcoal, flammable gases or ethanol.
Aside from the heat it gives, a fireplace can also provide a relaxing ambiance. That is why even though fireplaces have evolved and changed over time, the fireplace is the favorite feature that people consider when buying a new house. A fireplace can add an extra touch of architectural design to the inside and outside of a house.
1. A fireplace gives the kind of cozy warmth that comes from a fire. A fireplace inside the home is a good place to gather around with family and friends on a cold night. Whatever type of fireplace you have - an open hearth, a fireplace insert, a wood stove or a pellet stove, you can enjoy watching the fire dancing as you feel its warmth. You can enjoy indoor activities with family and friends by the fireplace.
2. It’s a common notion that a fireplace is romantic. Keeping warm by the fireplace with your loved one on a cold night is indeed very romantic. You can sip coffee or wine or enjoy a meal inside your home with the romantic ambiance and setting that the fireplace gives.
3. A fireplace can give you light and warmth even though there is no electricity. Fireplaces are definitely helpful especially when there are winter storms and the supply of electricity can be cut.
4. A wood-burning stove has the added benefit of being able to cook on it. You can heat your soup or tea on the stove while it warms your home. Even when you don’t have electricity, you can heat up your meals. You can also roast marshmallows or hot dogs on sticks on an open-hearth fireplace.
5. Wood that is used in the fireplace is a sustainable energy source. It can help you cut energy costs and be energy independent.
You can enhance the scent and ambiance of your fireplace at home by using essential oils. Use your favorite essential oil to add aroma to your cozy fire.
1. Apply 10 drops of frankincense essential oil (or any other oil you prefer) to a dry log at least 2 days before you burn it. This will allow the oil to permeate the wood, and it will bring a pleasant smell to your home.
2. Burn the log as you would normally do on your fireplace.
Fireplaces are wonderful but remember that they can be fire hazards. Make sure your chimney is cleaned and inspected by professionals every year. Having a safe and well-maintained fireplace can make you enjoy and appreciate its benefits.
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