
Essential Oil Blogs

The World's Best Smelling Plants - The Complete Guide
Having an aesthetically pleasing space filled with natural elements is everyone's dream, but finding plants that are visually appealing and smell great can be challenging. An unpleasant smell can ruin the perfect atmosphere of your home, turning it into a place you don't want to be in. Stop worrying about picking t...
Aroma, Appearance, and Flavor Profile of Lemongrass
Lemongrass has an herbaceous aroma and citrus flavor that works in both sweet and savory dishes. The herb's stalk acts as a flavoring ingredient in many foods. It has a refreshing aroma similar to lemon and can serve as an alternative to tea. Lemongrass contains a compound called citral, which is known to be an anti...
Frankincense Incense: The Scent of Christmas & Winter Festival of Lights
Every year, people are forced to find new ways to keep the Christmas spirit alive. After a long, hot summer, there's nothing worse than a cold and rainy December. It's tough to stay in the holiday mood when it's not snowing outside. Get into the holiday spirit with an authentic scent that can only be found during t...
A Comprehensive Guide to The Fragrance of Lavender and Its Benefits
People are bombarded by fragrance ads everywhere they go, yet many people have no idea how to find a fragrance that is perfect for them. Fragrance is about much more than just smelling nice. It can make us feel content, but it can also be used to trigger memories and emotions on a deeper level. With this in mind, fi...
Can You Smoke Lavender?
Lavender has recently been used as an alternative to cigars and cigarettes in the United States. It has similarities with tobacco in that it can be hand-rolled and smoked, or you can use a vaporizer for the same effect. Studies have suggested that its effects are so beneficial that they can provide psychological and...
The Benefits of Rose Hydrosol in Your Skin Care Routine
Hydrosols — the plant-infused waters used after distilling essential oils — offer various benefits, but only a few people know about them. Rose hydrosol is made from the steam distillation of rose petals and contains the same ingredients as a rose essential oil. It's a natural source of glycerin, which is commonly f...
The Smell of Lemongrass and Why We Love It so Much
Lemongrass has a light, citrusy smell that is refreshing for those working in an office. This can be a simple way to recharge at the end of the day and boost productivity. Lemongrass offers many health benefits and has been around for centuries. It's well-known for its soothing properties. An entire room can be fill...
The Complete Guide to Fragrance Oils and How They Can Improve Your Mood
Fragrant scents have been one of the many ways people can leave a great impression. Fragrance oils are known for the variety and flexibility of their scents. Apart from the wide variety of scents to choose from, fragrance oils also affect a person’s mood differently. As there are many scents to choose from, it’s pre...
What Does Frankincense Smell Like?
The best way to know what frankincense smells is to experience it in person. Frankincense is an aromatic resin that has been used for thousands of years. It's commonly used as a spiritual incense, an embalming agent, and in traditional medicine. It has also been used as a perfume to eliminate bad smells or odors. If...
The Truth About Peppermint Essential Oil and Common Mistakes of Usage
Peppermint essential oil is an excellent natural product for relieving many ailments. In addition to being a cooling, refreshing oil that helps cleanse your mind, it can also ease digestion and make you alert. Peppermint has myriad health benefits, including relief of stomachache symptoms and maintaining good cognitive