Things you will need:
Small glass container
5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
1oz aloe vera oil
Did you have a small accident in the kitchen that resulted in a minor burn?
Burns are common household injuries. You can accidentally burn your hand while baking, cooking or brewing coffee. Sometimes, we are not careful enough and we burn ourselves when we least expect it. Burns are categorized by how bad or severe there are. The level of pain and the needed treatment would depend on what kind of burn you are suffering from. These are the different categories of a burn:
1. A first-degree burn affects only the outer layer of the skin, making it the least severe kind of burn. It usually includes a sunburn or a burn from cooking or grilling. The burnt skin usually just turns red. The area may become sore and there might be mild pain and swelling. A first-degree burn can be treated at home.
2. A second-degree burn affects the deeper layers of the skin which includes the first layer and second layer. It can cause blisters and skin that is white, wet, and shiny. A second-degree burn results in pain, discomfort and some possible scarring. It can usually be treated at home.
3. A third-degree burn is also known as a “full-thickness burn” because it damages two full layers of the skin. This kind of burn is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. The damaged skin doesn’t look red but rather appears black, brown, white or yellow. A third-degree burn doesn’t hurt because this type of burn damages the nerve endings.
4. A fourth-degree burn is the most severe type of burn. This destroys all layers of the skin including bones, muscles, and tendons. A third-degree burn is life-threatening and should be treated in a hospital.
First-degree and second-degree burns that are less than three inches in diameter can be treated at home. There are various home remedies for mild burns. Home remedies aim to reduce pain, prevent infections and heal the skin faster. Some essential oils can be used for treating small, minor burns but bear in mind that deep burns should be assessed and treated by a doctor.
Eucalyptus essential oil is popular for its ability to heal wounds and reduce inflammation of affected area. The antibacterial properties of eucalyptus like tea tree oil and coconut oil help prevent burns from becoming infected and promotes wound healing. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe pain and reduce swelling.
Don’t apply pure, undiluted essential oil directly to burns, especially fresh ones. Doing this can worsen burns and cause inflammation and can be painful. It is best to use essential oils when the burns are already healing. Using oily products can cover fresh burns and trap bacteria. This can cause or worsen an infection. Using the top useful in burns like eucalyptus essential oil is better in helping heal, pain relieving and soothing burnt skin.
1. In a clean glass container, mix 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil and one ounce of carrier oil like aloe vera oil.
2. Apply the mixture on the healing burn.
3. Cover with a gauze dressing.
Simply repeat the treatment every day until the burn is cured. A first-degree burn usually heals in one week while a second-degree burn heals in two weeks. If your skin condition does not improve in one or two weeks, you should consult with your doctor.
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