
Essential Oil Blogs

Choosing the Right Car Freshener for Your Travel Needs
Image from Pexels Having the perfect car freshener for your travel needs can be daunting. With so many options, deciding which is perfect for your needs can take forever. Choosing a lousy car freshener can damage your car and your health. An unsuitable scent for your car causes headaches, nausea, and a lack of conc...
The Psychological Power of Car Smell: How Scents Affect Our Mood and Behavior
One of the five senses, smell, profoundly impacts our mood and behavior. The fragrances we encounter can transport us back in time, evoke memories, and even affect our perception of others. Our cars are a potent source of smell, with their closed, confined space and abundant materials that absorb...
Car Freshies vs. Air Fresheners: Which Is Better for Your Car?
Do you ever find yourself wishing your car smelled a little fresher? Whether from food, pets, or simply being closed up for too long, bad odors can be a nuisance when you're on the road. That's where air fresheners and car freshies come in. But which one is better for your car? In this article, we'll explore the...
Scent Your Ride: The Ultimate Guide to Car Freshies
Hygiene experts agree even the cleanest cars may smell stuffy. Studies have shown that one of the main reasons why car owners stop using air fresheners is because they cannot find a scent that lasts. The average consumer spends over $400 to mask odors for 12 weeks every year, and what do you have to show for it? Not...
Creating a Travel-Themed Essential Oil Blend
Travelling is one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences in life. It brings the world to you and you feel connected to the people and cultures around you. But travelling also requires a lot of planning, money, and time — which is why it's so soothing to know that we can create a travelling-themed essential ...
How to Get Rid of Stinky Smells in Cars and Why They Occur
Stinky smells are unpleasant, make cars feel less clean, and can be embarrassing to drive around. It can be challenging to eliminate the smell, and you may spend money on products that don't work. You should take a few minutes each day to freshen up your car. Your car is your own little space, and when it gets funky, i...
The Wicker Candle Holders Guide 101
Shopping for wicker candle holders can be stressful. There are many styles, shapes, and sizes to choose from. Not to mention their cost! Some can be ridiculously expensive, while others look cheap but low quality. Continue scrolling until the bottom to know what to look for when choosing wicker candle holders. This han..
Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize?
Drying skin even with moisturizers? Folks, it's not you! It's your skin. The natural moisture on your skin dries out. Sounds crazy, right? Well, almost four million people like you are experiencing the same thing. Dry skin is a condition that many people are afflicted with. Due to factors like the environment, this pro...
Making a Perfect Match Using a Candle Fragrance Wheel
Your sense of smell has a profound impact on your mood. When you smell something unpleasant, the scent can trigger a negative reaction and affect your mood for hours or even days. On the other hand, the fragrance you wear can have an uplifting effect and make you feel more confident about yourself. But how do you find...
5 Ways to Smell Good Even With Sensitive Skin
Sensitive skin is different for everyone; what might not irritate one person can be a nightmare for another. Some people are allergic to the chemicals in fragrances, soaps, and laundry detergents, while others might have psoriasis or eczema aggravated by these standard household products. When you have sensitive skin...